since like yesterday, the air is so dirty!
my teahcer say this weather make her feel very thirsty!
when teaching, keep drinking water but also thirsty! is the weather make it!
don't know is it Indonesia non-stop burning the forest !?
it make our country's air so dirty!
that's unhealthy lah..
how come they can't think about the 'kesan' of burning forest d!?
angry but cant do anythings..i'm just a child.
one things can do is..just keep breathing these dirty air..
In this year that gt H1N1 virus, dirty air will make more ppl sick!
The student that sit besides me in school, Jia Yang, sick today..
His friends say that he is a ppl that easy to sick since he is a kids!
first, he runing nose and keep using tissue..and also keep borrowing tissue from other..
Today he ald use 5 packet of tissue! Wow..he looks like serious and his face change into red colour..nose, is the reddest part that make him just like a clown!
His eyes so dry! All the water tat he drinks have been out from his nose..
Oh my god! First time see ppl runing nose will serious till like that!
Maybe he is ald fever but he do not know..
Dunno la..Wish him good luck! =)
I think it's not forest burning. It's rubbish burning. The air is unhealthy for us. Take care.